Update on the management and treatment of patients with chronic skin lesions

Submitted: June 29, 2021
Accepted: December 7, 2021
Published: December 27, 2021
Abstract Views: 2052
PDF (Italiano): 360
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Decubitus lesions, vascular ulcers and diabetic foot are the most common chronic skin lesions in geriatric patients. Chronic skin lesions present a high risk of infection and a complex management requiring targeted therapies and a specific treatment pathway. The TIME method (Tissue management control of Infection and inflammation Moisture imbalance advancement of the Epithelial edge of the wound), is the gold standard for the treatment of chronic skin lesions as it allows the control of infection and the degree of maceration of the wound even in the epithelial edges. Sodium hypochlorite solution at a concentration of 0.05%, which has been the subject of numerous studies in the literature, thanks to its broad germicidal spectrum and high tissue compatibility, is the disinfection method of choice for the treatment of chronic skin lesions. The quality of life (QoL) of a patient with a chronic skin lesion can be severely compromised. The formation of a multidisciplinary healthcare team to manage the patient journey can aid the healing process, facilitate the management of the wound in daily life and improve the patient's QoL. Telemedicine stands out among the innovative methods of wound care management experimented by a team of specialists in the Liguria region in recent months following the COVID-19 pandemic. The practice of telemedicine has proved to be particularly useful in the follow-up of chronic wounds with the appropriate use of technological tools allowing high quality images.



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How to Cite

Parodi, A., Messina, V. M., Martolini, M., Haxhiaj, S., & Cozzani, E. C. (2021). Update on the management and treatment of patients with chronic skin lesions. Italian Journal of Wound Care, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/ijwc.2021.78

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