Experience of the vulnology team during COVID-19 period
Published: December 14, 2023178PDF (Italiano): 56PDF: 24 -
Impact of the wound hygiene concept on wound contraction: an experience by ‘Vulnologia ASL3 Regione Liguria’
Published: December 14, 2023202PDF: 39PDF (Italiano): 139 -
Cytomorphological analysis of liquid platelet-rich fibrin produced with the DUO fixed angle centrifuge (Process, France) for use in the regenerative therapy of skin ulcers
Published: December 14, 2023160PDF: 44Supplementary Materials: 14PDF (Italiano): 68Materiali Supplementari (Italiano): 18 -
Can the Braden scale predict the development of pressure injuries in intensive care?
Published: December 14, 2023346PDF: 61PDF (Italiano): 110
Skin ulcers-microbiota-infected ulcers
Published: December 14, 2023186PDF (Italiano): 136PDF: 27